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The Scarborough Board of Education believes that a student's learning will be enhanced when parents are allowed to choose an instructional program based on their understanding of the student's needs, abilities and interests. The Board also believes that certain learning styles can best be accommodated within certain learning environments.

Scarborough Public Schools offers a graded program and a looping program for grades 1 and 2. Below is a description of the similarities and differences between the two options.


Principles of Best Practices

All approaches to teaching and learning are based on principles of best (effective) practice as outlined in the curriculum standards documents.

Methods of Best Practices

All students experience best (effective) teaching and learning practices. These are specific practices that have proven through research to work. They also are referred to as “methods that matter”. They are integrative units, small group activities, representing to learn, classroom workshop, authentic experiences, and reflective assessment.


Team/group teachers to better meet students needs (i.e. partner teaching, co-teaching).

Curriculum Expectations

All students will demonstrate the curriculum standards for the phase.


All students participate in district and classroom assessments.



  • Graded: One teacher for one year
  • Looping: One teacher for two years


  • Graded: Grouped with peers of similar age for a grade 1 class, or a grade 2 class
  • Looping: Grouped with peers of similar age for a grade 1 class then, staying together, become a grade 2 class in the second year

Curriculum Expectations

  • Graded: Curriculum standards met through a core curriculum for each grade
  • Looping: Curriculum standards met through a core curriculum covered over two years